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Term 6 time table tasks.pdf

We are going to follow the Oak Academy lessons.  This week is Week 6 for Maths and English.

There are also Foundation Lessons (Science and Creative).  If you follow the timetable you will cover these over the next 6 weeks.

The creative and science lessons can be found here.


Handwriting, Spelling and Reading

Practise your joined up writing.pdf

New Yr 3 4 spellings mat to learn to read and write by end y4.docx

As time table suggests practise your hand writing and spellings on a Monday.  (Or more often if you feel you need more practise).

Read daily different types of books and texts.  You can also listen to audio books as these will give you great ideas for your writing!


Times Table Practise

You should practise these daily.

By the end of Year 3 we are aiming to know our 3, 4, 8 and 12 times tables (including the inverse facts).  2, 5 and 10 should already be known from Year 2. BUT you will probably need to keep practising them to as our brains can easily forget if we don't keep doing things.
