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Welcome to English Martyrs' RC Primary School!

Welcome to our school. If you have any questions, please contact us - 01634 718964 office@englishmartyrs.medway.sch.uk

Welcome to English Martyrs' Roman Catholic Primary School. Our school is known for its friendly, caring environment in which children can thrive. As a Roman Catholic school we create an atmosphere in which children can grow into the fullness of their faith. We develop their understanding of, and respect for, people of all faiths and cultures. We value parents as children’s first teachers.  We aim to educate our pupils in every way so that they are friendly, spiritual and caring individuals who enjoy learning and achieve their potential in all areas. We provide a welcoming, safe environment in which children learn to speak and behave properly and to care for and comfort others.



Are you Considering Applying to English Martyrs' RC Primary School?

Thank you for taking time to consider English Martyrs' RC Primary School for your child.
If you would like to visit our school, please phone the office on 01634 718964 to book an appointment.

Further information on admissions can be found here

Prayer for uncertain times

Lord Jesus Christ, light of this world, thank you for the hope that you have given us.

Help us to give our worries to you and, above all, to trust in Your unfailing love.

For You have promised us "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you."

Almighty God, our protector, let us trust in You to carry us through this time of uncertainty.

Jesus, hear our cries as we mourn those who've left us.

Whatever tomorrow may bring, we will praise Your name.


Sasha Breakenridge/CAFOD volunteer

A Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,

We pray for the people of Ukraine,

for all those suffering or afraid,

that You will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,

for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world

that in this moment of crisis,

we may reach out in solidarity

to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in Your ways

so that peace and justice

become a reality for the people of Ukraine

and for the world.



Government guidance for parents

Regular attendance and punctuality is important to secure academic achievement. Attendance at school is mandatory and it is the parents’ duty to make sure that their child of compulsory school age regularly attends. As a school we expect 96% attendance (as a minimum) for each pupil. There will, however, be circumstances where pupils cannot attend due to ill health. 

Is your child well enough to attend school?  Click here to find out.

Is your child self-isolating? Click here for remote learning information.

School Attendance and Policy on Holidays


Please click here if you have any safeguarding concerns 

The child's welfare is of paramount importance, we are a child-centred school.

Designated safeguarding lead:

Ms C Thacker

Deputy designated safeguarding lead:

Mrs J Braithwaite


Whole School Safeguarding Policy

Children's Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy at Mass

English Martyrs' Church

- to be confirmed -


Click here for more information about our Church 


Technical Issues

  It has come to our attention that some of our website links are not functioning as they should.  We apologise and are working hard to rectify this issue.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office who will be able to help.

technical issues

Our School Therapy Dog

slideshow (2)




Dates for your diary

English Martyrs' R.C. Primary School
Frindsbury Road

Kent ME2 4JA

Tel: (01634) 718964

Headteacher: Ms C Thacker

Bad Weather Notice

In the event of bad weather conditions, please follow links to radio websites for up to date information and news on school closures. Please note an email parent-mail message will be sent in the event of a school closure.   Pupils: Please refer to your class pages for work that will be set.
BBC Radio Kent

Prayer for our school

Almighty God

We give thanks for our school

For us it is a special place.

Make it special for you Lord, and bring us your peace,

Love, friendship to everything that we do here.

As we learn and as we play, may we always be in your safe keeping

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord


teachingparentview icon

Our Pupils' Vision Statement

We want to be self-confident and proud of ourselves, to have a belief that we can achieve our goals.

We want to be trustworthy, kind, reliable and considerate pupils who will have the strength to stand up for what is right.

We want to make the right decisions, show respect and be helpful to others.

We want to be part of a community that s caring, teaches us right from wrong and gives us help when needed so that we can reach our full potential.

We want to treat everyone as we would like to be treated within a loving school.

Governors' Vision

"The School community work together to achieve excellence; all are valued, resilient and confident; have no limits placed upon them and grow as individuals in God's love."


We were very pleased to welcome Councillor Potter to our school for a visit.


Congratulations to our MYG Hockey team winning the MYG Hockey Fair Play Award.
