Overview of our R.E. Curriculum
World Faiths
Class A, B and C - Judaism
Class D - Sikhism
Class E - Hinduism
Class F - Islam
Class G - Buddhism and a review of all World Faiths
As part of the RE curriculum, children study world religions and are taught to respect the faith of others'. To supplement the work completed within the class, children visit places of worship. This year, Class C have visited Rochester Synagogue. Class D have visited Gravesend Gurdwara (Sikh Temple). They needed to cover their heads and were offered food as part of the Sikh culture. Class F visited a Mosque in Gillingham. In addition, Sultana (and her family) presented an assembly for all of our Key Stage 2 children to learn more about Islam. We would like to thank all those who welcomed us so warmly.
Policies & Reports