The National Curriculum
As a primary school we cover part of the Foundation Stage and the first two Key Stages of the National Curriculum.
Foundation Stage |
children aged 4 - 5 |
Year group R (Reception) |
Key Stage One |
children aged 5 - 7 |
Year groups 1 – 2 Classes B and C |
Key Stage Two |
children aged 7 – 11 |
Year groups 3 – 6 Classes D, E, F and G |
Children are assessed at the end of each Key Stage. Results of these assessments are published and individual children’s results are given to their parents at the end of year reports.
The National Curriculum, is divided into the core subjects – English, Mathematics, Science and R.E. The Foundation Subjects – Design Technology, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education and Foreign Languages (KS2). Please refer to our School Prospectus for further details.
Foundation Stage Personal, social and emotional development; Communication, language and literacy; Mathematical development; Knowledge and understanding of the world; Physical development; Creative development. Throughout the foundation stage your child's development in relation to the above areas is assessed and recorded. The Foundation Stage Profile for your child will be shared with you during your child's time in the Reception Class and your child's end of year report will be based on a summary of this. The assessment helps teachers to plan work to meet your child's needs and can also be used in value added analysis of your child's progress. |
Key Stage 1 Key Stage One consists of two classes for children aged 5-7. Throughout the Key Stage, children are encouraged to become independent and self-confident learners. They are taught social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others and resolve simple arguments. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions from an early age. We aim to make our school a place where children feel happy, safe and valued and therefore motivated to do their best. As well as National Curriculum subjects, we endeavour to offer our children a variety of experiences such as music and after school sports clubs. We aim to develop the whole child. Children are assessed at the end of Key Stage One and individual children's results are given to their parents in the end of year reports. |
Key Stage 2 Key Stage Two consists of four classes for pupils aged 7 to 11. We continue to develop the children's abilities and interests commenced in Key Stage One and obviously endeavour to develop within the pupils, a caring attitude to others, an understanding of their responsibilities to the wider world (Citizenship) and through health education the care they need to take of themselves. After school sports clubs are held for each year group at various times throughout the year. Year 6 pupils will be invited to a residential weekend trip. During this trip the pupils participate in a wide variety of activities which can include rock climbing, high ropes, orienteering, swimming, kayaking, motor boating, archery and track games. In previous years, the weekend has been greatly enjoyed by the pupils. A variety of musical experiences are also offered. In Years 4 and 5, the pupils learn the ukulele. In Year 6, children perform with other local schools in Rochester Cathedral's annual carol service. We endeavour to offer a wide variety of experiences in curriculum time and also in before and after school activities to children in all stages of education. |
Please click on the icon below for further information on the National Curriculum: