English Martyrs’ Parent & Teachers Association
Welcome from Chairperson
When your child begins school, you automatically become members of the PTA. We hold 4 meetings a year, with the last in October, where members are re-elected or elected for the various roles within the committee. It would be great to see some new faces at future meetings, you're all very welcome. All work is voluntary and helps you to get involved and be part of your child’s time at school. Our main aim is to provide additional facilities for the children educationally and to provide fun events throughout the school year.

EMPTA Events and School Improvements
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EMPTA Annual Events
Formal Meeting
AGM Meeting
Christmas Present Stall
Formal Meeting
Bronze Challenge
Quiz Night
Reconciliation Service
Welly Throwing Competition
Formal Meeting
English Martyrs’ Day
First Holy Communion Souvenirs
New Entrants’ talk
Summer Fayre
Sports Day
Leavers’ Mass
Join in...
If you’d like to find out more about what we do, or become involved in the PTA, either as a committee member, trustee, volunteer at events, you’re welcome to come along to one of the PTA meetings (ask the school office staff when this is). You would be very welcome and it’s a great way to be part of school life!