Welcome to Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. It is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.
The government provides English Martyrs' RC Primary School with a Pupil Premium grant for the following groups: children who have been entitled to free school meals in the last six years; cared for and looked after children; adopted children and those with a parent(s) in the Armed forces. If you think that you might be eligible for this grant, please check here.
Every year we publish the impact of the spending in the previous academic year and how we plan to spend the money in the forthcoming year.
Pupil Premium - What You Need to Know - DfE
Pupil Premium Strategy Document 2024/2025
How English Martyrs' RC Primary School uses the Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and it is used by our school to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who most need it.
Barriers to learning include emotional, social well-being of pupils, pupils with special educational needs and pupils not making the expected progress or the same progress as their peers. Further information can be found in our Pupil Premium Policy.
At English Martyrs’ Primary School the 2024/25 pupil premium has and will be allocated to interventions and provisions in:
- 1:1 tuition targeted children.
- Booster/intervention groups to “close the gap” between groups of learners or extend the more able.
- Emotional support for some children.
- SEND support, such as sensory group work, fine motor skills, speech and language development etc.
- Support purchasing of school uniforms, paying for school trips etc.
- Software to support SEN children.
- Additional adult support and professional services.
- Extra support at lunchtimes for children with social and emotional issues.
- Homework club.
The impact of pupil premium funding is monitored and evaluated against pupil attainment and progress 6 times per year. The SLT meet with class teachers to track pupil progress and the impact of interventions on targeted pupils.