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Class B

Welcome to Class B. Your class teacher is Mrs Tottman and your Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Reeves.

Class Governor

Class B's class governor is Mr Stephen Walker.

Spellings for this week

Your spellings each week will be added to the class homework on Dojo. 

Science Topic

What do you need to grow a plant?  

Play this game and find out! 

(Click the plant to play.)



Click on this icon to practise blending real words and alien words.

Events for Class B

Beginning of Year Mass - 12.9.24



This term we are reading "Traction Man is Here". The children will be learning about speech bubbles, sequencing their own stories and adventures for Traction Man using their phonics skills and knowledge of tricky (common exception) words.

These are our words to learn (Common Exception Words):



purple mash(1)