Equality Information and Objectives

Trust Equality Objectives
Our main aim, as set out in the Trust’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2027, is that our Trust recognises diversity and enables equality of opportunity in all aspects of our Trust. This means that by the end of 2027:
- For all those in our Trust community, there will be a culture that enables anyone to be confident to disclose harassment or bullying in the secure knowledge that issues will be addressed promptly and effectively
- Personal, Social and Emotional education across our schools will link together to enable a holistic understanding for all, with clear links to PSHE, RE, RSE, safety and development
- Research based strategies are adapted and embedded as appropriate, so all our pupils are enabled to flourish academically, physically, and emotionally
- Our schools will be recognised for their excellent inclusive practice for our children and young people with SEND
- Strategies and plans always include recognition of those with additional needs
- Schools will work together as part of the partnership to offer mutual support, to act as critical friends, to explore research-based evidence and to develop excellent practice in the provision for our pupils with AEN/SEND
- Strategic leadership across schools, groups of schools and hubs will enable current and aspiring leaders, from diverse backgrounds, to gain further professional development and the ability to share their skills widely across the Trust
- Talent spotting of future leaders and development programmes will be in place, accessed and evaluated for impact.
We also seek to address inequalities in the following key areas:
- To narrow the attainment gap between boys and girls in English, Mathematics and Science at all key stages;
- To narrow the gap in performance of all pupils with special educational needs or disabilities;
- To narrow the gap in performance between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged groups;
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the curriculum; and
- To prevent and respond to all hate incidents and prejudice-based bullying
- To increase the representation of black, asian and minority ethnic staff at all levels, including in leadership and management and teaching roles, from a current level of 2% to better reflect their pupil and wider communities. There are currently 9% BAME pupils when looking across the Trust and a Kent population that is 6% BAME.
- Work towards improving the availability of Trust-wide staff equality data, including improving staff disclosure rates across the relevant protected characteristics
For an update on progress against Trust objectives, please visit the Trust website: www.kcsp.org.uk
School Equality Objectives
Each school determines and publishes its own local objectives including:
- Why it has chosen the objectives
- What it plans to do to achieve those objectives
- The progress it is making towards those objectives, updated annually.