Welcome to Class C!
Your Class Teacher is Miss Redmond
Your Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Deer
Your Class Govenor is Mrs Taylor
Our P.E day is THURSDAY. Please come in to school dressed in your P.E kits.
Every Friday your child will take home their Learning Log homework. Your child should complete their homework and return it to school the following Wednesday. Please check Class Dojo for your child's weekly Learning Log homework.
More infromation about Learning Logs can be found here - https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-learning-log
Something to think about...

Useful Links...
If you use one of these websites at home,
tell your teacher in your reading record book.

Every Friday your child will take home their spelling book. They should learn their spellings and return their spelling book to school the following Wednesday. Spelling tests will take place on Wednesdays.
Please check Class Dojo for your child's weekly spellings.
Please continue to practise Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words (trick words) by clicking on the link - Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words
Time Tables
Please continue to practise your Times Tables. You should use your weekly times tables book to do this and also Time Tables Rockstars - https://ttrockstars.com/
Medium Term Plans