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Class E


Your class teacher is Mr. Armstrong. Currently, Mrs. Water's is our learning support assistant for Maths on Mondays, Wedenesdays and Fridays.  

Your class governor is Marian Bamigbade.


Homework is set on a Friday and due back the following Wednesday.

Spellings will also be set on a Friday and then tested the following Wednesday.

Times tables will be practised using a timed method at least 3 times a week - these times tables will be mixed. Children will only be in competition with their own last score. Times Tables will be taught and tested in a more ordered approach. Beginning with 2x, 5x and 10x table before moving on to 3x, 4x and 8x table. Once these are secure, children will then move onto learning the remaining times tables up to and including 12 x 12. 

Children should aim to use Times Table Rock Stars for at least 5 minutes every night as speed is of the essence in Year 4 - while using the Studio option is great, children should also practise answering questions within a given time by using the Soundcheck option as often as possible too. This option times children as if within the 6 seconds given by the govenrment standard test, which the children will take towards the end of Year 4, so is a great way to familiarise themelves with how long 6 seconds actually is. 

You can find a copy of the spellings for each term on this page but they are also secured on the inside cover of children's English homework books. Scores will be recorded on these sheets (or at least will be soon).

Children should aim to read every night with an adult. You can find a copy of the 'questions for reading' on this page. When a book is finished please let me know how you got on via the reading record so a new book can be chosen. Children are also expected to complete a book review of each book they have read to help embed an understanding of not only narrative but a wide range of genres. 

Reading Records and the books need to be brought into school EVERY day, regardless of whether or not the book is finished. This helps me keep an eye on progress made and those children who may need to read with an adult at break time, if not able to read regularly at home. 

Term 4 Spellings

Term 3 Spellings

Term 2 Spellings

Term 1 Spellings

Questions for reading


Year 4 spellings will be published each week on Class Dojo.