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Phonics Support for Parents - Level 6

Add -ed and -er to words ending in 'e' - parent information

Add -ed and -er to words ending in 'e' - activity

Add -er and -est to words ending in 'y' - parent information

Add -er and -est to words ending in 'y' - activity

Add -es to words ending in 'y'

Add -est and -y to words ending in 'e' 

Add -ing and -ed to words ending in 'y' - parent information

Add -ing and -ed to words ending in 'y' - activity 1

Add -ing and -ed to words ending in 'y' - activity 2

al and il saying 'l' - parent information

al and il saying 'l' - activity 1

al and il saying 'l' - activity 2

dge and ge saying 'j'

eer saying 'ear'

el saying 'l' - parent information 1

el saying 'l' - parent information 2

gn saying 'n' - parent information

gn saying 'n' - activity

kn saying 'n' - parent information

kn saying 'n' - activity

le saying 'l' - parent information

le saying 'l' - activity

ture saying 'cher'

wr saying 'r' - parent information

wr saying 'r' - activity

y saying 'igh' - parent information 1

y saying 'igh' - parent information 2